Intelligent “Royal Persian Angora Chinchilla” As a Pet


Royal Persian angora chinchilla is soft furry beautiful animal. It’s appears in the early 1960’s. This intelligent and emotional attached animal is favorite of their lovers. People take out as a pet on the basis of active quality and good characteristic. It is not easy pet so monitor this pet with spend lots of time, money, energy and emotional attachment.


Chinchilla is native to South America Andes.

Life span:

Their average life span is 12 to 15 years but also having upward 20 year with healthy diet or strong genetics.

Physical description:

Royal Persian angora chinchilla is pretty animal. They are also having long silky hair with their pretty head. They also have attractive eyes and ear. It is very clean and beautiful animal. Their body weight is 1.1 to 1. 4 kg and height is also 28 to 49 cm. Their tail length is 10 cm.


Chinchilla is very intelligent animal with intellectual capability and depth of emotion. It having poor eye-sight but their strong sense of smell and hearing is beneficial for feeling. They also have a quality touch of their whiskers. Chinchilla animal is also having outstanding memory ad fast or agile animal. They also have a characteristic of high jumpers.


Royal Persian angora chinchilla need high maintenance. When you take out as pet then must take care and maintain through grooming. Clean your soft and beautiful chinchilla with carefully. So you must clean, dusting, vacuuming and clean your home in this way your pet must clean.


Chinchilla need large amount of exercise and if you are owner of chinchilla so you must provide safe and sound area for exercise or jumping. There are very high jumpers so you must monitor during playtime. You can take out their cage on your supervision. Closed the tight spaces, put away the sharp things, wires and many other dangerous items.

Living condition:

They are basically indoor cage animal. Chinchilla need high quality cage for their living. Safe wooden made high quality wired cage is perfect for living. You must avoid plastic cage because they chew it.


When you take out chinchilla as pet then take care about their diet. They eat specific diet. High quality chinchilla pallet and fresh timothy hay eat. You must give this diet for your pet chinchilla.


It is very sensitive and attention seeks animal. If you having chinchilla as pet then must take strong bounding. You must spend at least one hour in a day. They are not easy pet. So take care of them. They require lots of time, money and energy with emotional attachment.

Health and care:

Chinchillas are very sensitive animal so they require careful monitoring berceuse they do not show their illness like other animals. Chinchilla owner should take care of their health and constantly monitor the pet through their food and water. They are unable to communicate so take care of their pet and go out regular check up.

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